Linfa Oro verde 2018 Progetto per il concorso Carapelli For Art, categoria Open Ceppi di ulivo grezzi e innesti di ottone Il progetto Linfa. Oro verde nasce dal desiderio di combinare materia grezza con materiali nobili della tradizione scultorea. L’ottone riempie le cavità del tronco e si fonde con esso; come una linfa lucente affiora […]
Moving-wooden-joists2018 nomadic site specific installationproject for ‘Mon super kilomètre’Dak’art2018/Category: Projets speciaux Moving-wooden-joists is a site-specific installation that integrates into the urban context of Dakar in harmony with the habits of local users and redevelops it. It is a ‘nomadic’ work that starts in a timber storage shed on the outskirts of Milan, and comes out […]
“Dedicated to the Milanese fountain of Milizia square that continues to be dry”2016Square of the Milizie, Alzaia Naviglio Grande, Milanpostcard of a one-night site specific installationwharf, buoy, disused fountain One night in April we built a temporary landing stage for the northern fountain of Piazzale delle Milizie in Milan, a place close to the urban […]